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Staying in touch

April 20, 2022

Staying in touch
A bigger view of the metal element in pandemic times
While I was pondering about the inner riches of the metal element, I got the feeling that the whole period we go through globally; and more obvious over the last two years, is somehow reflecting it in a quite intense way.
The emotion related to the metal element is grief. The organ systems are lungs, large intestine and also the skin. All of them are connected to the outside, showing us that the learning here could be about being connected, available, but self-protected at the same time.
It teaches about understanding and allowing sensitivity and vulnerability as the real strength.
At the same time, we are holding the space for ourselves and create healthy boundaries. We are less and are less willing to compromise as that would work against the need for inner crystallisation, which also represents an aspect of the metal element.
All crystals are metal as is the colour white and the season autumn.
Metal element means letting go of what doesn’t serve anymore, not clinging, which can be the backside of the coin
as is the tendency to over control and rigidity.
The breath is creating a rhythm, teaching us the constant change between giving and taking, in and out. Most of us have a preference, are easier with receiving or enjoy giving more. The balance is the goal and brings in trust that what we need will be given at the right moment.
Can you see the connection to the global happening now? Lungs are affected, lots of people complain about skin issues. Our governments chose to over control, rules are rigid. We are torn between distancing and longing for contact with the world. Breath gets challenged through wearing the face protections. A huge amount of grief is felt by most human beings and a purging has been happening on a spiritual and physical level for most of us.
Isn’t that interesting?
Dr Kaimi Philipovitch, one of my teachers, refers to the 5 elements as the 5 faces of God and explains that we have those different sides to our nature on a physical and emotional level which all serve a purpose. Our beliefs about emotional expression limit us on all levels, body mind and spirit. Physical symptoms resolve naturally when the spiritual roots are addressed.
The metal element also represents justice. A lot of the grief I feel is about the human suffering I seem to see more than before; healthy grief will open our hearts and minds to leave that inhumane period of history behind and start creating rather her-story again.
Bring back the caring for each other, our mother planet and all the sentient beings on it.
Stop all unhealthy compromise, speak out stand up while become more crystallised and at the same time sensitive, touchable.
Stay close, keep contact. Keep breathing. Breath is sacred, so is every word we speak.


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