Emotions are helping us to digest life,
they are indicators and warning signs , messages from our soul.
Emotions are food for the soul . They are stimulating to the organs if they can flow freely and in a gentle way.
I realised that fear might have been a translation error
from Chinese to English language.
Because fear is not an emotion.
Same as shame and guilt are not emotions.
Fear is the absence and the opposite of love. Not hate.
Same as in the Earth element we find the emotion worry.
It’s not called anxiety-
The emotions in traditional Chinese medicine are always seen
in a positive light.
A better word for fear would be caution.
Because the virtue of the water element is wisdom.
Recklessness or tightness are undeveloped states
of this element.
This means that it’s the healthy inner radar pondering over and weighing up and connecting to the inner guidance first in situations which feel unsafe.
If we go into freeze mode and feel fear, it just means we went down a wrong track and maybe also too fast,
Bypassed the road from where we could see the situation with a calm heart.
I’m not saying fear doesn’t exist, far from it.
I’m saying fear eats our soul !
Fear is very damaging to the organs too
Chronic fear creates trauma response.
When we feel fear it seems we can’t feel the other emotions, which creates something
Like a cage, it creates a congested state.
In this state fear grows like a mold.
We need to find a way out –
and can do that through waking up the other emotions.
If you can’t start crying when someone gives you a hug,
try sad or touching music, sing along with it.
Another way is freeing the anger.
Fill a weed bag with garden clippings and beat it with a hose.
Make sure you at least have martial art out breath,
better even to scream it out.
Once you opened the flow, maybe use it to unload, start dancing, painting, talking, praying, writing.
Sometimes a 3 minute cry at someone’s shoulder is sufficient.
The outer situation might not have changed,
but you will be amazed that suddenly
There is peace silence even a feeling of contentment there
And no more fear.
you can breathe again.
My teacher Dr. Don Kaimi Pilipovich
with who i trained in the amazing healing work Accunect
calls the emotions THE 5 FACES OF GOD!